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Wholeness Starts Here

Fundamental Health and Wellness

About Practitioner Lucina Davis

Life is an incredible gift. My passion is to help people live productive and healthy lifestyles. I do so through my professional training as a Certified Health and Wellness Doctor. My specialties include Theopathic Homeostasis Treatment Therapy, Alternative Holistic Health, Natural Health protocols., Counseling, Special plan protocols and Visionary

Guided Therapy.

I'm board-certified by the North American Association of Coaches and Counselors. I also work with the National Association of Mental Health Family to Family Basic. Ambassador Health advisor with CICA, Canadian International, University& Seminary I have practiced Health alternatives for over Four Decades Helping clients live natural, Holistic lives through my specialty programs designed to achieve desired outcomes as they relate to; physical, emotional, and psychological wellness.

Dr. Lucina Davis

Dr. Practitioner of Theopathic Homeostasis Treatment Therapy, Alternative Holistic Naturopathic Health Life Counselor, Ambassador of Health Advisor DRA, CDSE, and Counselor NAACC. (NAMI, Teacher member).

Meet Amelia
what we offer image

What We Offer

Holistic Health Counseling
Holistic Health Counseling

Let us help you develop your personalized plan to reach health & wellness goals.

Essence Of Herbal Teas
Natural Health Products

Uniquely formulated herbal tea blends for optimal nutritional health and wellness. 

Essence of Lavender
Theopathic Homeostatis Therapy

Divinely inspired meditation techniques for healing mentally, spiritually, and physically.

Why Theopathic


Classique N. Davis Testimony
Classique N. Davis 

Practitioner Davis has helped me throughout my situations in life and with the health protocol, she gave with me.  I’m thankful for her help and advice along the way.  I recommend her consultation for whatever you need for healthier body and mind, services.

Pastor Kelly White Testimony
Pastor Kelly White

I'm blessed and honored to have Practitioner, Lucina Davis in my life. She has helped me in my constant weight loss journey and with insomnia and fatigue.  She has suggested alternative supplements that have made me lose weight along with an eating plan and in return my strength and stamina has increased. If you are fatigued and just all around unhealthy, I recommend a consultation with Practitioner Mrs. Lucina Davis.

Dr.Sharon J. Baquedo Phinn sharon Testimony
Rev. Dr.  Sharon J.  Baquedo-Phinn

I was successfully helped with Nutrition and natural items as well as given vital information customize for my specific needs. I was suffering from Sciatica Pain in legs and back they were talking about surgery Because of Health, Consultant, Practitioner Lucina Davis gave’ nutritional recommendations, and prayer, I am healed of the pain that I was in.  This is my testimony to say that Ambassador Health Practitioner Lucina’s healthy living advice and consulting along with prayer works.I strongly recommend practitioner Davis. 

Nicole Trent Testimony
Nicole Trent

Practitioner Lucina Davis was very instrumental in leading me to optimal health after I had my baby. The supplements and treatments helped me to heal after the C-Section of baby, my energy level became high; my mental state increase greatly. I recommend Practitioner. Davis services.

Kim J. Pierre. Testimony
Kim J. Pierre

When I started dealing with Ms. Lucina Davis, I was feeling weak and had no energy. I was talking to her about the different things that were going on with my body. She informs me that she had something that may help all my concerns. So, the following week she brought me some tonic. Once I started taking it within two weeks, I felt the difference. My energy level shot up my pressure was maintained along with my cholesterol. NO MORE CHOLSTERSOL got rid of pills it’s been 2 years now…. I’m good now.

Pastor KarenTestimony
Pastor Karen

Practitioner, Mother L Davis, the advice and health tips you have given me had a tremendous effect on me. I have learned to make better choices in all areas of my life mental, physical, and spiritual. Thank you for being about a holistic lifestyle. 


astragalus flower

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Decatur, Ga 30037



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